We took Stella skiing for the first time this past weekend. Seth and I have a huge desire to teach our children to gain a love for the mountains, since we both grew up around them. I know plenty of people who are learning to ski for the first time adults too which is great. I recommend checking out this article https://www.tetongravity.com/story/ski/how-to-look-after-your-eyes-on-the-ski-slopes
on how to look after your eyes when you’re skiing if this is you. Living where we currently do, we’ll have to make the best of our limited resources. But it was really good to get Stella on the bunny-hill mountain, and it only took about 15 minutes until an emotional breakdown. We didn’t push it and stopped when she wanted to stop. I was actually excited to take some speedy runs even though I was snowboarding on granules. It’s always nice to get the wind blowing through the hair. I think next season we’ll buy a family pass and make good use.
Skiing First Time
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Jori says
that’s fun you are getting Stella off to an early start. I don’t ski, I would break my neck for sure.:)
The Parkers says
You’re a braver woman than I.
Jan says
Looks like fun — did the kids love it?
Marleen says
For Stella’s first time, I think she did great. I hated my first time skiing. It was a little traumatizing. Snowboarding ended up being much easier for me. You might want to try that next time for her.
kimbo says
Where do you go skiing? Ken and I love to ski and unfortunately this year with the baby I haven’t been able to go!
100 Percent Cottam says
you guys are cooler than the average parents! or, way cooler than me, at least. i refuse to ski! 🙂
The Arbuckle's says
How fun. Maybe you can teach me how to ski.
Shay says
Go Stella GO!
katie & heidi says
My first attempt at skiing was cross country skiing in 5th grade with my class. I spent the day stuck in a snow drift. So never again did I try. I’m glad Stella is off to an early start, with great parents she’ll do much better than me I’m sure.
Rhonda says
Fun! We are maybe a little closer and certainly our backyard is a great starting place for Stella. Bring her on over next season when we have some serious snow again. Elijah actually used our back hill when he was first learning to snowboard.
Our whole Ward uses our backyard to sled… it is always a ton of fun!
P.s., Did I tell you we charge nothing? lol
Jen Freeman says
That’s so cool you took Stella skiing. We want to take our kids also. Is there anything I need to be prepared of?