Last weekend I went to SoHo to meet up with my fabulous friend Heidi, who has a great eye for design and works for one of NYC’s #1 interior designer. Anyway, we headed over to Purl Soho to buy some fabric so I could make some pillows to update an old chair. Thank goodness Heidi was there! So many fabrics I liked! It was fun to see what fabrics I started out with but actually ended up buying.
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Heidi says
The pillows look fantastic! I’m glad we didn’t go with any green. Next stop your bedroom curtains.
3 Asian Dolls says
I’m so inspired by your amazing talents. Who ever knew you were a jack of all trades. Heidi did not fail you. Those are stunning fabrics. Are those still your Urban Chic sage green sofa and chair? I cant believe you still have them. Love ya, Judi
Sarah says
That a girl! Love the pillows!
darlingdarleenadmin says
Yes, my old Urban Chic chair and sofa are still alive!
Chris * Natalie * Maya * Mason says
Girl, i really need some tutoring from you. Can I fly you out and turn my sad house over to you?