I’m actually not much of a collector. But I’ve always found it interesting to go into other people’s home and see their collection. When I was growing up I liked to check out my friend Lauren‘s mom’s collection of salt and pepper shakers that she got from around the world. And she had beautiful artsy shakers. I wonder if she still has the collection. What’s your collection? Are you a rooster, camera or baking pan collector?
{via Cottage Living}
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i used to collect frogs, but the problem with collecting anything is that then people tend to overwhelm you with whatever it is. i still have a few of my most precious frogs, but that is it. i used to pride myself on my cd collection, but now it’s all digital, which takes some of the fun out of it…
I don’t collect much either. I find myself doing the opposite. I like to dejunk if I have to much of one thing. One day it might be nice to have a collection of serving platters and plates. I lean more towards the entertaining edge. Then I would get some use out of such a collection.