Since I don’t have a gps watch, I’ve been using WalkJogRun to find running routes and figure out how many miles I’ve run. The other day I thought I ran 10 miles in an hour and 15 mins. I was like “wow–it looks like training for the marathon is going to be pretty easy”. Well after I walkjogrun my route I found out it was only 8 miles. A little disappointing especially since I was hobbling all that day.
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You ran 8 miles? Straight? 🙂 That’s amazing to me. I wish I was logging miles like that!
Don’t worry, Rome wasn’t built in one day. Keep on training a you’ll reach 26.2.
Good luck
What a great website. Thanks for sharing. It’s great info. Now I know that I need to push myself harder!
you are amazing, dar. you’re going to kick butt in your marathon.