Happy Birthday Lauren! Here’s some fun facts about my good friend Lauren: we’ve known each other since we were 4 yrs old. We’ve been friends ever since. Sometimes when we call each other we’ll talk on the phone for over two hours. And it’s all good conversation. She lives in Orange County. She has a MBA. She’s a yoga instructor, massage therapist and a surf diva. She likes to ride her bike as much as she can. She loves to eat organic and fresh. She’s a really good swimmer. She’s concerned about the environment and wants to make a difference. She loves conversation especially when it’s on a good topic. Sometimes she laughs so hard that she cries. Here’s a picture of us out on the Strip last year when she came to visit me when I was in town.
Happy Birthday Lauren
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Thanks Dar Dar! Your too sweet! I can’t wait to see you next week…It’s going to be a blast. Oh and I live in the South Bay, not OC….but that’s OK, a common mistake. Love you lots!