I’m helping plan my sister Julene’s baby shower, eventhough I can’t attend. So here are the cute shower invites. For some reason, it took me a while to figure out the whole layout–I think it was because we have such different styles. She is more classic and would probably want an invitation with all the ruffles. So, I don’t want to disappoint her. My other sister’s husband thought up the poem. You see, Julene is in her 40’s and she surprisingly got pregnant. This is her fifth child, but she is empty handed with all the baby gear because she thought she was done–hence the shower. Here’s the poem:
Blue Bird Shower Invites
Her family grew from one to two, to three and then to four
And so it was a perfect size, she thought there’d be no more.
She gave away her baby clothes and packed away the toys.
Then came the unsuspecting news–a bouncing baby boy!
And now she finds she’s in a bind and needs the help of those
Who want to come and have some fun and
shower her with clothes.
Very creative and very cute!! This is how he proposed to my sister with a sweet poem. Anyway, I’m helping out with the games and will supply the party gifts with some fabulous jewelry pieces. Wish I could be there! PS–sorry about the dark photos. Old camera.
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You should add to your list of talents. You are an awessome graphic designer. Seriously, I iwuld love to pick your brain sometime about your printer, fonts, etc. You do beautiful work!
Awesome. Great job!
I love it Darleen! I wish I was going too. I love the jewelry!
Ok, can I tell you how adorable these turned out? Seriously. I love the poem and love the invites…so so cute. You are one talented girl.
I can’t wait to receive mine in the mail. Hopefully I can send some pics of the baby shower to post.
you clever little chicky! i swear, you always do it up right! nice work!
Those are adorable. Beautiful!
They turned out awesome! I’m so impressed.