Okay, these are so cute!! None of my kids have been big pacifier lovers, so I haven’t invested in a paci clip, but these are too cute to pass up. I guess you can get them monogramed. And they are multi-functional–can attach to teething ring or toy. So maybe I should invest in one…but wait. I think they are all sold out.
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Great find! Love it.
Oh, I LOVE those. Maybe not for a binki holder, I hate how those look on, but I think these are so pretty, I would love to just have one! Maybe I would use it for a rattle, like you said.
very cute, indeed. my kids never took a binky either, so we have no use for that around here.
Those are SO cute!
Those are adorable. I WISH I needed one. My baby won’t take a bink and I wish he would!
Those are so sweet. How can I order some, not because I need them, but because they are way fun? BTW… Love your blog… just dropped in via Kristi W. blog-roll in which you are listed.