Stella’s birthday bug party was a lot of fun and a success! From what I hear the kids had a good time and same with Stella. She’s already asking when her next birthday party will be. Stella wore her bumblebee Halloween costume from last year.
For table decorations, I got a few gerber daisy pots and put little bug stakes in them and throw a whole bunch of plastic bugs on the table. Of course, we placed gummy worms in little bowls–they were gone fast! One Sunday, Stella helped me decorate styroform balls with tissue paper and we made a bumblebee, catepillar and ladybug for the yard decorations. I also made large butterflies out of tissue paper, clothing pins and pipe cleaners. We had these buggies scattered around the backyard.
Once the kids arrived, they decorated bug catcher boxes with markers, glue art, crayons and stickers. They also each got a bug mask to wear during the party. After the art project, it was game time with Grasshopper Seth. They played “Spot the Ladybug”–each child licked an Oreo cookie and tried to stick it to the ladybug. The next game with “Flyswatter Race”–it was a relay game. Each child had to run to one side of the yard without dropping the bug on a flyswatter. This got a little confusing since some of the kids were a little too young. But they still had fun and they ended up just running after each other wearing their silly bug masks.
After the games, we had lunch: On the Menu: bug salad–a combination of catepillar coccoon (green grapes), green-speckled red beetles (strawberries), black beetles (blackberries). Butterflies (soft pretzels). Wrapped worms (hot dog in a bun). Beetle juice (grape juice). After lunch, they got to hit the orange bug pinata, which was filled with candy and more bugs. No one broke it open, so Seth had to mash it. Then it was cake and cupcakes–singing Happy Birthday to Stella. It was very windy outside, so no candles.
By now the kids were on a complete sugar high. I think they all had eaten their cookies, candy and cake, so we opened presents. It was fun watching the kids get excited as Stella would open their present, and she’s been busy playing with them since.
After opening presents it was about time for the party to end, so for the big finale we had a bug hunt with LIVE buggies. Each kid took their decorated bug catcher box and were ready for the release of 100 crickets and 1500 ladybugs. It was hilarious! Many of the girls were shirking in delight but some of them were crying. The boys were scrambling to catch them. Seth and I were helping catch some of the buggies for the girls. At one point Lucas had five ladybugs crawling on his face. A cricket landed on Stella’s shirt. It was a lot of fun. I wish I got it all on video camera because it was definitely a sight to behold, but yet again we had technical difficulties. Oh, well. The kids got to take home their new little friends, along with a little windmill and their bug masks. Whew! I even got into the festivities and wore bopper head antennaes.
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Back yard birthday parties are absolutely the very best! What fun! Stella will certainly have wonderful memories of her special birthday!
You are the absolute best mom ever! So cute….so I guess the moths were a no go? Miss you!
you throw a rockin’ party, for sure! you’re such a clever girl.
That looks like the best party ever! I love all the decorations, you did a great job planning this party. From now on you’ll have to out do yourself every year.
Oh my gosh Darleen. It sound like so much work, but it all payed off. I love the release of REAl bugs!
The bug party sounded like fun. I am glad Stella enjoyed it just as much as her mom and dad.
You have such creative ideas for birthday parties, you are hired for my kids parties.
How cool are you! I love it all especially the real bug catching game. I agree with others you have some great ideas for entertaining kids. Can’t wait till the next party.Send me an invite.
I am VERY impressed! Loved your decorations! I bet the kids loved a live bug hunt. Very cool!
What a great theme party — you did such a wonderful job. I know Stella and friends had such fun! The pics are so cute.
Wow! What a fun party. I can’t believe you had the kids catch real bugs. What a great idea!
DARLEEN!!! Can I say: Wow?! What a party girl you are–I loved the bugs you whipped up and the whole party looked absolutely adorable. I love that you had a bug hunt for the kids as well!! What a great Mom you are–and you look so cute with your antennae! Stella’s a lucky girl 😉
Hi Darleen! It’s Lindsey Futrell! I was blog dropping and came across your blog! I’m so excited to find you! This party sounds like so much fun! Zander is going to be three in a couple months and we’ve been trying to think of some fun things for his party. December isn’t very predictable to have one outside, though. Your kids are so cute. How are you guys doing? My blog address is
Wow! You are an amazing mom! Can you throw my next birthday party? What a fun memory for Stella!
My little butterflie’s still talking about that party! Well done.