Congrats to my friend/instructor/nutritionist Amy Bento for her features in Shape and Fitness magazine. I’ve been taking Amy’s step and flex classes for the last five years. She’s an awesome teacher and keeps you motivated, challenge and coming back for more. One of her classes kicked me into labor! Within the last couple years she has released her first set of fitness videos, and it’s been fun to see them become a success. Now that she’s been getting a ton of publicity, I’m just hoping she doesn’t become the next “Biggest Loser” instructor and end up leaving my gym. I would be SO sad. Anyway if you are looking for a good at-home workout video–definitely check her’s out here, and don’t be surprised if you are a little sore the next day. I use them all the time especially when I travel. And tell her you’re my friend.
{via Fitness}
Workout Videos
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Kristi says
Sweet! I’ll have to check her out. (not literally, but figuratively 🙂
Jori says
Wow, I so need some strength training. I feel so weak and jell-o like right now. Thanks for the tip.
100 Percent Cottam says
i can’t believe you were doing that class when you were 9 months preggers. girl, you’re too motivated for your own good! 🙂
Jan says
I need to check it out too — heading there now. Thanks!
徐若瑄Vivian says
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Carla Barrera says
Great I need to check it out