I was so impressed with our church Christmas party–it was so good! The activity committee put on this amazing pageant that was focused primarily on the birth of Jesus and everything else that makes Christmas wonderful. There is hidden talent in our ward! There was a lot of singing, dancing and rockin’ out. It really helped to have two Broadway actors be the star of the show. I hope someone captured it all on camera–it will be fun to look back on. And guess you showed up? Stella made sure he knew she wanted a princess set.
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Stella looks so excited! I love it. And Lucas is totally chill, like “what ever dude”.
what fun! i still have to take my kids to see santa…
I just wanted to kiss their faces off at the party. They are sooooo cute! You always dress them so fashionable.
Great party! Love that you had Broadway Stars headlining your program.;)
Such sweet little kiddoes — love the pic with Santa.
What a great picture of your darling kids. I love the expressions on their faces. We are going right now to see Santa at the mall. Dax was traumatized by the Santa at our ward Christmas party…hope it goes better today!
Oh my – they are growing up so fast. Stella totally favors Seth’s side and Lucas looks just like your side! SOOOOO cute! Merry Christmas – love you lots!
Great picture. We are having our party this Sat. I’m hoping there will be people still in town to attend. Sounds like yours was awesome. I’ll be missing you this Christmas. Love you.
Your kids look so cute sitting with Santa! And so brave. My kids always freak when they see him. 🙂 Your ward’s Christmas party–it sounds wonderful.
How fun. A Ward party with something for everyone… I love it. We had the Night in Bethlehem. It was great too. Our Activities Committee works tirelessly to put on great events.