When my husband is out of town I do the following: not cook and eat sushi for dinner, wear socks and sweater to bed, call an old friend and talk for a long time, do a little clothing shopping, not make my bed, stay up too late and sleep in too long (even when my kids are up), and watch my shows on TV (which I so often don’t get to do).
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You can always call me. Hope he is not gone to long.
i seriously almost posted that when chris is gone, the house stays in chaos. i don’t empty the dishwasher. the kids eat mac & cheese and i have pb&j. laundry is everywhere. i may or may not close the blinds before bed. i stay up too late. yeah, it’s like mommy vacation when he’s gone. and not really in a good way. chris will be back late tomorrow, so i’ve got to get my butt in gear and whip this place into shape before then.
You know I always missed Mark when he was gone, but somehow there’s that little sense of fun and freedom too. But I always loved it when he came back. I guess variety is what we all need.
sounds a little like our house. I am glad Shawn gets back tonight, but there is no motivation to make anything healthy for dinner or make dinner at all and I have to say I have fallen asleep every night watching tv.
that sounds like me! many times when matt won’t be home for dinner, it’s cold cereal or a protien shake!
Awww! I love the wearing socks to bed! I have to wear socks to bed, I am a sock girl!! And the staying up later than you should….that is me too!
You can always call me when Seth is gone! I’m jealous of you sleeping in. Oh, that is so foreign to me. What would it be like to wake up when my body wants to and not when my kids want me to!
sushi–yum! It actually sounds kind of fun! I hope all is going well for you while he’s gone!!