This weekend Seth and I hosted a chocolate dessert Valentine party for an intimate gathering of friends–couples only (except wee-little babies were acceptable). Each couple was requested to bring something chocolate to the party. With all the chocolate desserts and a chocolate fountain that we provided, there was a lot of chocolate! But all the desserts were different and unique and of course…yummy. During the party we requested each person vote for their favorite chocolate dessert. The winner made a chocolate coconut cream pie (to die for), and won a box of exotic truffles. In addition to the chocolate and to go along with the Valentine theme, we played a hilarious game of “The Married Questionnaire Game“–thanks to my sister-in-law Stephanie for helping me come up with all the great questions. There were lots and lots of laughs. It was a riot having each couple answer the put-you-on-the-spot questions. We had two couple winners–one couple who was married the longest in the group and another couple who was married the shortest time in the group. The winning prizes were “Truth, Dare or Chocolate” game (complete with body frosting) and “I like it Spicy Blindfold Chocolate” game. Perfect for Valentine’s. For party favors, each couple was given a pastry box to fill with remaining chocolate. We had so much fun that we now want to make it an annual event. Oh, and I must say thank you, thank you to the party-girl herself Natalie for letting me use her chocolate-theme idea. She threw a chocolate party last summer and told me all the fun things they did. Thanks Nat!
Chocolate Valentine Party
Here are the invites:
Decorations: paper topiaries and hanging paper kissing ball, paper flower doilies for table top, fresh red tulips.
chocolate-covered binkie
All things red–Italian soda
Voting cards for the yum contest
Dessert placement cards for voting
A few of the guests. I’m so bad at taking pictures at parties. No problem getting the decorations; huge problem capturing the actual event. But here are a few.
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Jason and I had such a blast. Thank you for hosting a yummy chocolate party, can we be invited next year??
Thanks again for inviting us, we had such a great time! I love the pic of the chocolate binkie, I bet Emma would be jealous. Can’t wait for the next one! 🙂
This looks like such fun — you’re a great hostess!
You are the most amazing party planner I have ever met! When Ella grows up and gets married, I’m calling YOU to help me plan everything. (ha ha!) I think your friends are really lucky to have you!
p.s. Yes, I’m in the Primary Presidency. It’s a super fun job! With the Goliath thing, I stuck word strips like “stealing”, “drugs”, “pornography”, etc. all over him to represent that although we’ll never be faced with a giant man to fight, we’ll be faced with giant problems and temptations that we need to fight…it was a really fun sharing time!
Wow! What is not to like with this party? The invitations are adorable, the food looks delish, the friends are lovely, the table looks beautiful. Fun!
PS-Are you running the St. George marathon in 08? If so, I am coming to cheer you on!
I knew when I saw pictures of the party I would be so sad we couldn’t make it…and I am! Looks like it was so much fun! Great job-everything looks wonderful.
Thanks Natalie and Darleen for sharing. I think I’ll just have to through a West side chocolate themed party myself. Looks so yummy and fun.
yay, so glad you did it! looks like it was amazing fun. we’re making ours an annual thing, too. in fact, there have been some requests to make it semi-annual! 🙂
That looks like so much fun, Darleen! Man, I wish I could have come 🙂 And I love the cute cards–and that chocolate fountain looks like my kind of dessert 🙂
We love chocolate. The Swiss in us makes us somewhat of chocolate snobs… but, boy oh boy, does all that partying in the name of chocolate sound so much more fun. I can not wait until we can go back to more refined Valentine’s Day traditions. The banana split party is great… for the teens.
Ahhh sigh.
How much fun! What a great idea…you are so amazing and creative.
We’re getting excited to move back there. Looks like you and Ashley have a lot in common – you both plan amazing parties! Love the chocolate theme. If you do it again next year, count us in. 🙂
Awww this looks like so much fun, I’m totally having one of these next year! How did you print the card invitations and game cards? I’m so sad we didn’t get to spend more time together…you’re so fun! Are you still running?
I just went to a chocolate party also. We had homemade marshmallows. They were scrumptious. Someone else made homemade shortbread. I am salivating just thinking about it. I haven’t eaten chocolate for a long time, so it was worth going!!! I wish I could have gone to your chocolate party! It looks yummy.