I know these have been around for awhile, but I really do love my tiny iPod shuffle. I bought it for my marathon training. The playlist on the shuffle is only motivating music that gets me moving–perfect for working out. This is so much better than my iPod classic.
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Tthat is so small I would lose it. I saw one at Christmas- pink ones for breast cancer & donation, they had some left over and put on clearance at Target for $50.
I love my shuffle! I too have been using it in my training. It is so easy to use and light weight.
They are so cute and tiny. You wil have to post a list of your favorite workout tunes.
My daughter Katie gave me an IPOD for my training too. That is…. training to clean the house! Whatever you need motivation for, the IPOD definitely helps!
Now, if I could just peal the darn thing away from my 17 year old!
These are clever little devils–they seem more ideal for running, for sure. I would love one of these tiny iPod’s.
those are SO cute! i’d love to know what your playlist is with motivating music. i definitely need to ramp mine up.