My small confession for the week is that I have a love affair with diet coke. I love it. I need it. And I have to have it…everyday. I know it’s a bad and I know it’s not good for me. So I trick myself. I refuse to buy any diet coke at the grocery store; it is not one of my weekly grocery store item. I don’t have any soda laying around the house. But…I have no problem making special trips to a drive thru, gas station or even Target’s food court just to get my diet coke–supersized, of course. It’s not that I don’t drink water. I love water too. I drink a ton of it. People think I’m crazy because I try to drink about 3-4 liters of water everyday. And no, I’m not going to get water poisoning. It’s just that I get bored with it. I need a little kick to my day–a little flavor. However, lately I’ve been feeling a little bloated, and I’m attributing it to my diet coke addiction. So, I’m going to wean myself off–starting today. I’m so proud of myself for not having any today. I already feel a little better. I posted this picture as my inspiration because it makes me want to drink a big glass of water. So wish me luck.
{photo via Flickr}
at least you’re drinking DIET. i’m addicted to regular coke and have no plans whatsoever to give it up. i don’t bring it in the house, either. and i limit myself to 1 per day at lunch time.
Uh, I have no idea what you are talking about, I totally can’t relate!…um or at least that’s what my husband thinks! That probably makes my confession right there even worse than yours, huh?
Well that is too bad you are quiting because do you know Sonic makes a killer diet VANILLA coke? I mean, I wouldn’t know, I just hear things.
Good job for kicking such a gross habit. Diet is the worst. The sweetner converts to a carcinogen in your body. I’d rather my sister not get cancer.
Good for you! As you know, my weakness is Pepsi and last week I decided to do the same thing. I have stopped buying it at the store and it is now an everyonce in a while thing rather than an everyday thing. It’s a hard habit to kick, so good luck! Maybe we can cheer eachother on if we need it!
Yay for you. I’m a big Diet Coke drinker myself – although when I buy it to have at home, I buy the caffeine-free. But I do enjoy my Diet Coke for sure.
Good for you. Good luck!
Have you ever tried flavored water?
All I drink is water, and I love flavored water. You just have to be careful that it is all water, no sweetners.
We haven’t formally met yet, but I couldn’t resist a “kindred spirit”…
My name is Harlene and I am also an addict! (I thought I was supposed to feel better after that.)
You go girl!! I am currently playing the game where I can only have my DC after I have had so much water that day. I find having a favorite glass and the right ice- pellets, like at sonic- helps.
Love your blog BTW!
Best wishes! I love my Diet Pepsi. I limit myself to one can a day, but after reading Marleen’s comment though…I might have to consider eliminating it!
I don’t like Diet, I know, I’m crazy. I do love me some Cherry Pepsi though. I don’t have it every day, but I wish I did. Not really, talk about wasted calories, but you know what I mean. Good job on Day 1.
that makes me laugh that you drink 3-4 liters of water every day, because so do i and most of my friends think i’m nuts! wherever i go, so does my water bottle. (it must be in our blood!) my weakness lately is the little crystal light packets that i pour into my water. i got addicted to the one with caffeine…to give me an extra little boost…and now i’m wishing i had never started! so hard to stop!