Here are a few Whistler pictures of Seth and Eric. These pictures make me homesick for the mountains. I’ve lived around mountains my whole entire life until I moved out here. I definitely took it fore granted. I miss the beauty and all the recreations. Wishing I could go play in the snow and take a run down that mountain. Look at that view!
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That is crazy beautiful. I haven’t been boarding for years. Ever since I had kids I’ve had this fear of doing anything with sports that begin with extreme.
So beautiful. But cold. And I am a wimp.
I miss the mountains too. It is so beautiful there. Makes me want to take a trip.
I was blog hopping an can’t believe I ran across you. Was just thinking about you the other day…wondering what you were up to. We are in st. george and loving it! Glad I ran across you!
Shelley (Upton)
Awesome! Hey guess what I just found out? My visiting teacher who happens to be named Melanie as well, used to date (almost married I guess) your brother Jonathon! crazy small world eh.
wow! looks amazing!
FUN, fun, fun!