I’m contemplating whether to do Easter baskets this year. My kids are still young that Easter baskets can be filled with little toys and candy etc–nothing too big. But I don’t want my kids, as they get older, to think that Easter is a small version of Christmas. A basket filled with presents along side the chocolate eggs. I see that going on right now with my older sisters who have teenagers demanding a “good” Easter basket. Any suggestions? I’m thinking maybe making our Easter baskets a tradition of receiving a new book or something simple like that.
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i did a little bit of candy + a small stuffed toy and a game for the 2 of them to share. not too overboard here! and i like the book idea!
I was thinking about the same thing the other day. It could get expensive if the kids start thinking of Easter as another Christmas. But I do love your book idea. Something simple, but that they will look forward to.
growing up we always got our new swimsuit for the year…something we were going to need…and it marked the start of warm weather!
Oh, I totally feeling that same way too. I feel the pressure from stores and friends to buy the big gifts, but I don’t want to go overboard! I’m sorry I’m not much help.
We started a tradition last year with Abi where we do a book and a new swimming suit…easter is the first “Springy” holiday so getting them swimming suits makes it feel like summer is close. Then we just fill some eggs with a few goodies and that’s it. I agree with you on not wanting to make it a Christmas-like holiday. Let us know what fun idea you come up with.
I love the small treats + a little misc. variety of things and then love the book idea. I think you’ve already got it figured out.
You are a sharp mom to realize this.
We do simple baskets with favorite junk food or cold cereal I don’t usually buy. The fun part is the hunt for the “empty” egg. Whoever finds gets a special treat and starts a “what easter is really about” family meeting.
None of my teens complain, and they eagerly fight for the empty egg.
Jason and I feel the same way, we want to give a small gift and we think a good easter outfit and a book will do.
Spencer and I have been debating about this for the past few days, of what we should do. He grew up with baskets, you, of course know we did not. I don’t want our kids to end up expecting gifts and demanding better things in the end. Spencer really doesn’t care. There is a great article on this subject on lds.org. I just did a search of Easter eggs and Jesus. If I come across it again I’ll email it to you.
Good question and good answers! I got some candy and a book and that is about it! Oh, and the bunny Mr. Potato Head. He loves that crazy potato head and the easter version was cute. But I got the “My First Easter” board book as deseret book, so there is some religion in there, I promise.
I totally agree to keep it simple!!! I love the book idea, I actually am giving all my kids a book in their easter basket, you can never go wrong with giving a book, and the best part is reading it to them.