We are finally and slowly stepping into modern technology age. Seth finally got his flat screen tv (I had to cap the size–I did not want a monster thing taking over my living room). I got to upgrade my brick-size cell phone and ordered a camera phone with mp3 capabilities. And we have DVR. Everyone tells me once I have it, I won’t want to live without it. So I’ll see if that’s true. First use on the DVR list is recorded all of Dora the Explorer.
{via InStyle}
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Yeah for DVR! You will wonder how you ever lived without it.
you are right about the dvr. it’s a must have. it changes the way you watch tv, that is for sure. i never know when things “actually” come on. i just set it to tape all of my shows new episodes and i’m all giddy when they pop up in my inbox.
Welcome to the wonderful world of dvr. You will not be disappointed, I promise!
One of these days — maybe we’ll join the new millennium too. No DVR or big screen TV here yet — but it’s coming sometime soon, I think.
Love the DVR and it’s so true you will never go back. Love to record good things that are on during the day like Oprah and then watch them later that night all by myself or now we are selfish and record our favorite show and watch them an hour later just so we can fast forward through the commercials!
We love DVR and use it all the time. Utilize all it’s many options and benefits. You won’t be disappointed. Congrats. I’m sure Seth is happy now.
We resisted the DVR for a long time as well, but we will never go back! I remember myself saying, “Why would I pay $10 per month for something to record tv shows?” The question now is, “Why wouldn’t I?” And right on about recording shows for your kids… that’s mainly what we have recorded.
I love the dvr, and you will to. It’s so nice, I know for me I just don’t have time to watch t.v., and when I do I can go to my dvr and watch whatever I recorded. I love it!!!!
Whoohoo! DVR is so much fun! I typically forget about shows I want to watch. Now when I hear something good is on I set it right then.
Sweet! I am so excited for you to have DVR!! We record a ton of cartoons, too. 🙂 Enjoy, Darleen! 🙂
Thank you for your testimony today….I thought a lot about it, sorry that was so scary for you. Now I am in the safety rounds mode, need to purchase a few things. ((hugs))
I have been holding out on the big screen. The last thing I need is another excuse for him to watch more sports. I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up, it is then inevitable.
um, this will really make me look stupid…but what is a dvr? I’m assuming it means digital video recorder, but how does it work? nic asked me the other day if we are ever going to get with the program and buy a real tv…we still have the old kinds and we don’t have extended cable…what a sad life for a kid! ha ha! anyway, one of these days we’ll join this century!
Yes! DVR is the best thing known to mankind!