I’m not a prankster, but I got in a few laughs today. I did the classic prank of putting a raisin in the toothpaste–Seth got a real kick out of that. And I attempted to paint this toenails last night but was unsuccessful. I put plastic bugs in the kid’s beds, but they didn’t really notice or seem to understand. I laughed at my Daily Candy. My sister called me to say she was pregnant–I think my heart skipped a beat. Luckily it was just a joke. It’s days like this you enjoy an office setting.
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I have to say that April Fool’s Day pretty much bypassed me – I’m a dork. I know it!
you’re so funny! the best we got was maya telling me i had a spider in my hair.
I have never heard of the raisin thing. That’s a good one.
Hee hee! I love that you celebrated April Fool’s day! You crack me up 🙂
I think april fools day tends to loose a little something on kids, which is a total bummer, but alas. When they’re older they’ll appreciate it.
I wanted to do something but forgot! I love that you did the raisin thing!
Raison in the toothp[aste, I have to try that one! I called my Seth 🙂 and told him b/c we still havent gotten tx license plates I was pulled over and car was impounded…..he texted me back “how much is that goona cost”..april fools… there should be more holidays like this…isn’t it make the day more fun!