Remember the beautiful earth today–the planet we live on and rely on. I know today is the day to try a little harder in bettering the earth, but we should make life changes to instill green habits in us and in the next generation…our children. Earth day should be everyday. Here are a few tips we can all work on:
- shut off water when you brush your teeth
- hang dry clothes on the line instead of putting in dryer
- use tissue boxes as building blocks for children
- eat locally and organic
- Use reusable shopping bags
- recycle
- compost
- enjoy the earth. And pick up trash while you are on your walks
- Shut off lights
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great thoughts! i’m working on all of it.
Happy Earth Day woman! So I need to know if you really fore go the dryer???
I have a clothes line and it is a favorite in our neighborhood. I have had most of the kids around here at some point ask A)what is that and B)can they help. Best investment…saves energy, saves money, quick (here in the time it takes to do another load of wash, the one on the line dries), saves time (with all the kids wanting to help I don’t have to do as much work)!
Thanks for the reminders. Happy Earth day.
Great tips! Thanks!
Good list — thanks for the ideas.
I even went out and bought reusuable grocery bags yesterday. Thanks for the reminders.
I always have a problem with those reusable shopping bags. First off – remembering to bring the bags when I’m shopping with 3 kids under 4 (I have problems just getting them all in the car with my purse). But the ultimate snare – I actually use those bags – for diaper disposal and bathroom liner bags. I love them! I use them up – so I wonder if that’s a good thing or bad…