Ahh…I feel refreshed and renewed from my little blog break. But I must say, last week was not productive at all. Nope. I got no work done. A week of spring break was a week of entertaining my children–all.day.long. Oh, we had a lot of fun of parks, zoos and beach, and the weather was fabulous. So no staying inside. This is my week to catch up. Fingers crossed.
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Marleen says
Look at that belly. He is just too cute. Well, atleast you were able to have some fun with the kids.
Jori says
Glad you’re back!
J.J. says
Sounds like you had a pretty busy week with the kids, and you did a lot of fun things.
Shay says
Love his tummy…Dax’s got one too! So glad you are back to blogging. I thouroughly enjoy reading. Tre is off for spring break this week too. Thanks goodness the weather is great and we have lots planned!
Jan says
That picture is SO cute — that little belly cracks me up. He’s a sweetie.
100 Percent Cottam says
glad you’re back! missed ya!