Oh my little boy is hopelessly in love with cars…and balls. But let’s focus on the cars. He likes to carry one with him when we leave the house and run errands. The first thing he does when we come down the stairs in the morning is run to his car box and line up all the cars on the table. And no one is allowed to touch his cars. He’s got all the sounds down. He has to read his truck book EVERY NIGHT and knows all the parts. When we are driving down the road he points out and names all the different types of cars and trucks–right now he is really into Hummers. For a second it was getting a little bad to the point where he wanted to sleep with a car. I told him they need to sleep in the box. Give him a few cars and he’ll stay busy for a good hour. He is such a boy.
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what a cutie!
Oh my goodness… after we had the 4 girls, and then boy Elijah… Hotwheels by the thousands became Eli’s favorite pastime… May I add that he too would line all the ca’cah’s all up in row after row and INSIST that they stay there for days.
LOVE little boys and their love of cars.
I love when boys love BOY stuff with such enthusiasm. He is a doll!
Boys and cars. I love that. He’s a cutie!
Cute, cute, cute! I can’t believe how big he is getting. I love his hair…those wispy curls. He is adorable!
He really is so cute. Love his outfit and sandles.
What a cute little guy he is!!!
sooo cute! boys are hard wired to be boys, aren’t they?!
Oh my, he is getting so big so fast. He is a little boy now. No longer a baby. I can’t wait to see him next.
Darleen, you are too cute. I hope it’s ok that I found your blog and have added you on ours. It’s fun to see how you guys are doing clear across the country! Hope all is well!
-jenn (codye) and fam
Love these pictures! He’s growing up so fast.
Oh man, little boys just melt me.
That is so cute that he is so into cars and has to have one with him all the time. My Jayden was so into thomas the trains, I think it’s great for them to really like something.
My boy is the same way..and I’m glad since he has his sister influencing him that pink is cool…Your little boy is A-dorable!!
Seth loved trucks, too. I must hunt up everything we’ve got with wheels in prep for your visit.