Are you into the family bed? We are definitely not; or I should say, I am not. I need my space–room to spread myself, peace and quiet and no little foot in my face. If it’s the middle of the night and the kids want to sleep in our bed, they know to go to daddy. No problem for him until it becomes every night. Then it’s foot down. I do like to think of sleep as my time–and that means no kids.
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I agree! No being kicked in the face or stomach while trying to sleep.
I love to cuddle but I agree — it always used to interfere with my sleep time!
i am SO with you! no kids in the bed. every now and then maya comes in after she’s had a bad dream. at first i love the snuggles, but after a crappy night of sleep, i’m ready to send her back to her room!
We feel the same way at our house too. Sorry kids…we love you…but everyone sleeps in their own beds!
Hi! Found you through Natalie. I am not into the family bed but my kids do not feel that way. The minute they popped out and joined our family they felt the need to be in bed with us. In fact, they pushed ME out of bed the other night. I am not a happy camper! Cute blog, btw. I know I’ll be stopping back by!
Hey Darleen…haha..this post cracks me up. All right! Here’s the “scoop”…we have five kids as you know and boy oh boy, I still don’t know how to handle this. One day we are firm on the issue of no kids in bed and the next night we are firm on “we are so freakin’ tired, sleep where ever you want…just sleep!”
I have a nine year old boy who loves to wake us up in the AM and if he tried to crawl in bed at night, it would have to be something mighty scary in the night.