Whenever the holidays come up, there is always a sale. And it seems like I’ve heard of a lot happening this weekend. I think the Nordstroms Half-Yearly sale started yesterday. Today I ran over to Anthropologie and what do you know? They are having a sale….or are they? They put out sale racks all over the parking lot. The front section of the store was all sale items. People were having a frenzy–grabbing all they could. And the prices weren’t even that good. So as I was shopping (with my two crazy kids), I realize that it was just their normal backroom sale section but moved to the front of the store and outside. A sale that they always have. No additional discount; no special incentives. I did get some stuff, but I thought to myself how moving a sale rack to the front by the door and throwing sale signs everywhere can really drive people’s shopping antics.
Sales Sales
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Everything is marked down right now! I love it!
That is so true. I’m probably guilty of franticly trying to find something on sale and justifying that it’s a good deal just because the store says it’s on sale.
you are too right. the sale signs make me frantic to buy! i have to stop and think…what if this was the regular price? would i think it was a good price?
I get annoyed when there are ‘fake’ sales like that. Also when people call themselves ‘outlet’ and there’s nothing outlet-ish about them.
I am not a good shopper or a savvy shopper and I frequently pay way too much for lots of things. My sil on the other hand is all those things that I am not and she has a great sense of style. Thankfully she shops for me more often than I should probably admit!
I love a good sale. This week we got a pair of shoes that were $200 for 75% off. Perfect price. They are my new favorites and I think the fact that were such a great deal helps.
Yes I have notice that places will have a sale sign up but they are regular prices. You really have to watch out for that.