The other day, my sister Marleen and I volunteered our time at the Humanitarian Center. We assembled hygiene kits that will be shipped around the world to areas that are in need. Each kit had the basic need of toothbrushes, toothpaste, towel, soap and combs. We packaged up 120 boxes of these hygiene kits; each box held five kits. It was such a great feeling to know we were helping out disaster victims.
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Good job! I’m impressed with you.
How fun for you to go and experience this at the Humanitarian Center. Great way to spend your time.
how long are you in vegas….maybe i will have to pop on over and see you two!?
how fun! you are such good girls, you two! 🙂
Thanks for coming with me. I had fun time by your side.
That is just awesome. So many people will benefit from your service.