My parents were so kind to pay for photo sessions from Heather Gibb Photography for each individual family. The scenery was beautiful, but it was early in the morning and really chilly outside. My kids were cold and were loudly complaining (why does this always happen at a photo shoot?). But Heather did her magic and managed to keep my kids from falling into a meltdown. She captured some really good shots. There are quite a few that I like, but I just recently purchased pictures from our previous photo shoot. However, of course I have to get some images. Check out the slideshow to view our family pictures. The password is “meier”.
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It will be so hard to pick from those. They are all so beautiful.
So cute and precious.
Oh my goodness gorgeous! Your whole family is so photogenic. I especially love the ones of the kids together in the big chair. Sweet.
Beautiful. Really really beautiful.
I don’t believe you when you say your kids are so hard to photograph. I think she captured the true spirit of each child.
Stella being so sweet and innocent and shy at the same time.
Lucas, what a boy, fun of laughter and smiles.
Love the pictures they turned out great, can’t wait to see them on your walls.
those photos are GORGEOUS!!!
Almost had me in tears Darleen, what a cute little family you have created! Glad you are home safe- Looking forward to your basement, looks fun!
those are absolutely priceless! I love them all…but it’s easy to have such great pictures when the subjects are all so beautiful!