Last weekend we said our final goodbye (but not for too long) to Camille. All of my family flew back into Vegas for Camille’s funeral. It was wonderful to see everyone again and be together. I’ve noticed we’ve been a little nicer to each other, more patient, thoughtful of each other’s feelings. More expression of love is given and thank yous. I feel like there is an eagerness to see each other again sooner than our traditional every-other year reunion. Prayers have been more sincere and specific. Camille’s funeral was beautiful and sweet. The colors were blue after the color of her eyes. The chapel was adorn with large photos of her smiling little face. The program was short and simple, but had the touches of her little personality. A video of her images with tender music played in the foyer. Guest were able to write notes on beautiful scrapbook pages. Jonathan and Stephanie both spoke and it was inspiring and beautifully said. I definitely felt Camille’s presence. Her memory will not be lost.
Sweet and Beautiful
Stephanie has always started really fun family traditions. One of the traditions was picking a flower that best represents each of her daughters. Then when they have birthdays, special events, etc, she would give them a bouquet of that particular flower. She was just explaining this fun tradition to us girls the week before Camille’s passing. Sabrina is a gerber daisy, Annie is a rose, Lauren is a lily and Camille a tulip. Anyway, at the funeral there were large bouquets of all these flowers together. And of course there was one beautiful bouquet with white tulips. It was so touching and meaningful.
Steph and the grandmas
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Those are such pretty programs. I love the flower idea. So glad you are all finding peace and that your family has been brought closer together. You are all in my prayers.
Isn’t it amazing how these tragedies can bring families together?! We’ve had a few heartbreaking things in my family and it always amazes me how much more love you feel as you experience these trials together. I am so sorry that your family had to go through this, but I am glad you were able to be with your family at this time!
You don’t know me but I would like to comment.
My oh my. I just went to Stephanie’s blog and have been crying forever now. What an inspiration that lady is. Thank you for sharing this.
What a time of learning and growing this has been for all — and I include myself as I’ve followed along with you and your family. I love the flowers idea and I love that your family is taking care of one another.
WOW…what an awesome tradition with the flowers for her girls. I know I will never look at a tulip the same again. How special!
It was such sweet and touching funeral. I was so glad you were in town for it.
So touching! I’ve been reading along with your families events and have admired Stephanie and Jonathon for their amazing courage and strength. Only a good and loving child could come from such wonderful people. Her life was short but not any less meaningful. Glad you were home with your family to mourn together.
I too love the idea of a special flower for her girls. It is good that you were able to be with your family during all of this. My prayers are still with you and your family.
Those programs are so beautiful, and that is so sweet how she has a kind of flower for each of her girls. I often think of your brother and sister-in-law, and how my heart goes out to them, what a very hard thing to go through.
Oh Darleen, I have been thinking so much about this little girl I never even knew. This is such a nice post.