Soccer Camp for Stella= kicking the ball around+listening well to the coach+being the only girl on the team+being shy+running on her tippy toes+refusing to roll her body on the ground+refusing to put the ball on her head+asking when she can go to dance class+asking when she can go to dance class+asking when she can go to dance class.
Although she did have fun, I think we might just stick with dance class.
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Too cute. She is going to be a dancer, that girl walks on her tip toes everywhere.
Brittish soccer camp? We loved that camp….we just had too much to do it this year! It’s also VERY hot here so they do it at like 8 in the morning so the kids don’t die of heat stroke….seriously. She is so cute. I bet she was excited about her pink cleats though!
Very Cute. I want my little girl to take soccer so bad but she’s just not interested. Oh well. Maybe next year!
She’s definitely a girl! But I’m glad she had fun anyhow.
How cute is she?!!! I haven’t been by your blog in a while.. . .I’m adding you to my reader right now. Congrats on the pregnancy!
That is hilarious! You are a good mom for introducing her to other things. I can just see her out there on her tippy toes. Makes me laugh! 🙂
Still she is so cute in her get-up.
Hmmm. This reminds me of a soccer game that Stella’s Aunt Tess “participated” in many years ago. She sat down in the middle of the field and started picking clover flowers. I was impressed with her lack of fear that she wouldn’t be run over by the other players…