We had the big developmental ultrasound last week and so far everything looks good, which is always wonderful news. And the little bugger is….a boy….or a girl. That’s right. We are keeping this one a surprise, which is SO not like me. I am a planner and like to be prepared. And I really don’t like the antsy feeling of the unknown. But since we already have a boy and a girl and my deliveries are planned C-sections (which loses a little of the anticipation), I thought why not make this a happy surprise. Definitely not enough happy surprises in my life. The one thing I’m concerned about is the picking out of names. I know there will be a long list for both sexes. So here’s the little cutie.
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Carolyn says
Hello new little Meier baby!
Marleen says
Cute profile. Can’t wait to meet baby.
The Arbuckle's says
Oh My what a cute baby. Can’t wait to meet this little one.
Hillary says
Cute little thing! That’s exciting that you’re going to wait and be surprised, I don’t know if I would have that kind of patience, but I always love when people don’t find out the gender.
Glad to hear it’s healthy!
katie & heidi says
I think it’s great your going to be surprised. At least it won’t be as big as a surprise my mom had when I was born.
nsbs says
Yeah for not finding out…we didn’t find out with any of the kids and it is fun not knowing! We always have a long list of baby names….have any on your list yet?
Jan says
Love it that this is a happy, healthy little baby!
Melissa says
Exciting! Congrats.
Tess and Tim says
That will be hard to not ask the sex! I like the idea of a surprise though. Cute ultrasound picture, sometimes you can’t see them too well, but this one is really clear.
100 Percent Cottam says
oh my goodness, you have more willpower than i do! that would KILL me!
Jori says
You DO have willpower. I just HAD to know with Kaitlin. It will be a fun surprise. I can’t wait!
MiaKatia says
Oh my that is one cute baby!! You are a strong woman. I am horrible at surprises. Can’t wait to meet the little one.
julie says
I think “she” looks like Stella! Got to hand it to you… I’m just so surprised to find out that we’re even having a baby! I can’t ever wait.
liz says
Yay! I’m so excited for you and that all is well with the baby. I think it’s cool that you are having it be a surprise…I don’t think I could ever handle the anticipation…so anybody that can, in my opinion is amazing! That will be so fun on delivery day to here the words, “It’s a….?????”
campblondie says
All ours were a surprise except this one. It really is so super exciting! Congratulations!
J.J. says
what a cute picture, I think that is so cool that you are waiting to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. We are not going to find out with our’s since this one is our last baby and we already have a both sexes. I heard it’s so fun to wait!!
Holly O. says
Yay!! I am glad everything looked good. I am super impressed you can wait, I could never do it!
The Cochran Family says
You go girl, you are taking the plunge into full family of five! Time to get a bigger car? Is a min-van in your future…j/k I know i know! 🙂 Congrats! So excited and I am so happy for the surprise too! It will be a fun blog! 🙂 How do you feel? I hope good, take care sweet girl!
Kristi says
How exciting Darleen! And I LOVE love love that you are not finding out the sex of the baby–we didn’t find out with Brinley and it made the delivery day all the more exciting. I am so glad you’re baby is healthy 🙂