I’m embarassed to even post this picture, but I thought if I’m going to it might as well be in my swim suit. Why not. This is really how I’ve been looking all summer–living in my suit and trying to stay as cool as possible with my big pokey belly. I hope this picture makes all the other pregnant mamas out there happy and relieved that they don’t look as big as me. But it’s all for a good cause and this is how my body is. I have to keep that in mind, especially when I get the public reaction from strangers like “whoa” and “holy cow” and “any day now” and “there’s got to be twins in there” and “that looks painful”. Oh and my favorite from men is “my wife never got that big”. I smile back and say “yeah well this belly is only going to get bigger. I still got two and a half months left. Now close your mouth.” By the way, do you like my model pose?
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girl, we're neck & neck…and i'm a good 5 inches taller than you are! these are the bone crushing weeks – i'm not liking it!
I love it! You’re all baby. And men who make comments about pregnant ladies’ bellies need a swift kick in the groin. It happened to me all the time this summer, and though I didn’t actually kick anyone, I should have.
You do realize you look absolutely gorgeous, right? Oh my gosh! Look at those legs! Your arms! The only thing that gives you away as pregnant is the actual baby!
You look awesome, of course. You always do. And I want your hat…
I think you look beautiful. You really do.
Yeah….a belly shot! You know I have been asking for one forever! I love it. This is exactly how I wanted to look when I was prego….but no, I just got wider, EVERYWHERE! I hardly pop out in front. In fact my neighbor didn’t notice I was pregnant until a month before I was due. I am sure she thought I was just getting fatter, but without a belly showing up! Totally jealous!
You look beautiful. This is the best time in life!
I think you look beautiful! I love pregnant bellies, and you sport it fabulously!
You are one hot mamma!!! Who cares what other people think! Oh and who’s that hot guy standing behind you!?!?!?!?!? 🙂
I cannot believe you actually had a man tell you that. Oh – I feel so bad for his poor wife if he tells that kind of stuff to a stranger.
You look amazing! Wish I looked that good in my pregnancy.
Yay! You showed us your cute pregnant belly! Every time I see baby bumps, I miss having one… and wish that I could feel what it was like again. sigh. You really do look great! And hey – even though you think you look big, you should be proud that your butt doesn’t look pregnant, your thighs don’t look pregnant, your arms don’t look pregnant and your chin and nose don’t look pregnant either! If anyone can pull of having a big baby belly, it is YOU! You are HOT!
I truly believe there is nothing more alluring and feminine and beautiful than a pregnant woman. And you my dear are as beautiful as they come! I love the belly and the beautiful smile.
You look fabulous darling.
Are you fishin for compliments? :)B/C you deserve them! You are in the “I am pregnant and still cute” club! You go girl, them legs go on for days! Your kids in the below pixs look adorable!
I think you should have a comment ready for those men that is equally as rude, like “well, I only have 2 1/2 more months, how long until your bald patch grows back.” Just a thought.
p.s. you look fabulous!
I think ya look great! Plus you’re brave to go out in a swimming suit, I don’t even do that when I’m not pregnant-your self confidence makes you look even better!
I know how you feel! It is hard at times, but oh so worth it in the end. You keep up the good work!
You look HOT! Did you decide what you’re doing for the big 3-0?
Darleen!!! I think you are so adorable!! I WISH I looked like you pregnant 🙂 Seriously, you are the cutest pregnant girl!! I hope you are well.
I totally wish I looked like that. I get the same thing. I think I hear the words “anyday now” about 50 times a day.. I just smile, and think baad thoughts.
Your are perfect in every way and that’s why everyone loves you! Don’t change a thing about being Darleen because your kids are lucky to have a wonderful mom like you! And by the way you are NOT that big you only feel that way because you have a little frame.
I think you look amazing. I am not just saying that. I am the most honest person the world. People just make those comments because you are sooooo skinny everywhere else. Look at those hot legs,arms and face. You are Pregnant. I miss you.