The holidays are quickly approaching, and it’s going to be a very different holiday season for me. Usually in September I’m prepping for all the holiday shows and increasing inventory on my website. But this year is going to be very different. I’m doing no shows so I can focus on this new little baby that is shortly arriving. And let me tell you, it kind of nice not having all the stress and deadlines. However I still have my website and that will still keep me busy. So I’ve been designing some new pieces, and with my fingers cross I hope to have them up before November. One necklace piece that I’m loving is this simple circle pendant. The little stone in the middle is a black diamond–making the piece a little unusual and mysterious. I like to pair it with a long simple chain necklace.
Different Season
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This is really beautiful. Good reminder for me to get back to your website — I’m starting Christmas shopping!
LOVE that! I think you are smart to lighten your load. After Henry was born last year I had already committed to photo shoots and it was REALLY stressful. Trying to find babysitter’s for a newborn, then spending all my nights sitting in a chair in front of a computer when I was bone tired and needed sleep. If I have another baby, I will take a big long break. Oh, wait! I already am! 🙂 (Not having a baby, taking a break, that it!) And, Darleen, I think I am done…
so creative, you should name one after the new baby! Can’t wait to hear what it will be, so special!
That is beautiful. It will be on my wishlist this year.