We have a lot of strollers. I’m thinking we are up to five now. I need to dispose of some of them. I’ve had terrible luck with strollers. Most of our strollers are not so great. I have a Combi double stroller that I use around town and I don’t like it. It’s really hard to push and the bottom basket is very small. So, I’m thinking about upgrading; however I’m going to need to convince the husband. Does anyone have any suggestions? I borrowed my cousin’s Phil and Ted double stroller when I was in Boston this summer and fell in love with it. And surprisingly my kids argued over the bottom seat. But I’m just not sure and don’t want to make another mistake.
Double Stroller
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I have that one. It is the GREATEST thing ever. Seriously. I test drove all of them and that one takes the cake by far.
We agree, the best stroller ever. It rolls awesome, easy to steer, it’s tall so I don’t have to bend down to push it, the front seat can lay down and you put the back seat on the front so you can have a little baby sleeping and an older child in the front. The only cons are that we have to pump up the tires occasionally, and it doesn’t really fold up that small. But I fully endorse this stroller over any other stroller.
I love our Phil & Ted, but I find I mostly only use it around our neighborhood for walks and such because it is kind of a pain to load into the car. It's actually not that bad, I've just been spoiled with the super easy and compact Maclarens up until now I guess. It is a really nice stroller though!
So I don’t have an opinion about double strollers… but when I first saw your post my mind just assumed it was something about a jogging stroller because we just got back from our stroller strides class. Have you heard of that? My girls and I go every Mon Wed Fri. We love it! It is such a good workout for me! I’m sure it has a ton to do with the instructor and location of the class, but you might want to look into a Stroller Strides in your area. You, Luke and the baby…
Baby Jogger brand City Double. I am in love with it and it’s our 8th (and last) stroller.
everyone i know loves this stroller. i opted for a sit & stand one this time. because mason is always wanting to be in and out anyway. i do think these look cool, but i feel like they don't look super convenient. but like i said, everyone i know who has one raves about it.
We were about to buy this stroller for our girls but opted for a cheaper brand. We liked the Phil and Teds stroller but when we tested it in the store there were a few things we found that we felt were not safe for our kids. I’m hoping in the future they will come up with a better version. I love the idea of the stoller and how super light and manuverable it is but hope they upgrade the safety factor oneday.
The double BOB is an awesome stroller. PPl may think it is too wide, or difficult to maneuver…it is not, it is such a great stroller for my 1 and 3 year old. They both have a great view and it is so easy to pack up! We too have numerous strollers, a double combi included. I wish we had just bought the BOB from the beginning…Best advice is to try each one out, see what you think…it glides so easily around town and I love, love it for exercising!! Best of luck!!
I love, love, love my phil and ted’s stroller and wish I had bought it with my first baby so I didn’t need to get all the others. It is an engineering marvel and we get stopped by people all the time asking questions. Go buy it– it’s an investment, but it will make your life easier 🙂