I’ve had to do frequent prep-rally talks with Lucas about wearing his costume for Halloween. I believe I have mentioned about how Lucas is still in his summertime phase of shorts and shirts. Getting a sweater, jacket and socks on him leads to throwing fits. So, wearing a Halloween costume has been a little unbearable. He refused to wear it to our ward Halloween party. So, I’ve said no costume, no candy. All last week I was prepping him for Daddy’s work Halloween party. Lucas was pretty excited to go, and just getting to see Daddy and hang out with him is a treat in itself. But I told him if you aren’t going to wear your costume, we aren’t going and you aren’t going to get any candy. He understood and he wore it. Even the little fire extinguisher. No fireman hat–that’s a whole other prep-rally. But he sure is a cute little fireman.
No Costume, No Candy
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Cute picture! Yeah, we have the same issue with Miles. He was supposed to be Batman, but all I could get him to wear was the t-shirt under a sweatshirt. When anyone asked who he was, he lifted up the sweater and said, “Bruce Wayne”.
That is the cutest picture ever! He makes a very handsome fireman.
That is the cutest picture ever! He makes a very handsome fireman.
love the costume!
Adorable costume and cute father/son photo.
When Eric was about 2, he went an entire winter wearing shorts, then refused to wear anything but long pants and long-sleeved shirts the next summer! And Seth threw fits when he had to wear shoes. I think Lucas has bad fashion sense in the genes.
Bad fashion sense on the PATERNAL side. Excellent on the maternal side. Stella shows that side off admirably.
Cute picture of your boys. Something about bribing your kids with candy or no candy makes them do things that they don’t want to do.
He’s an adorable little fireman — they all seem to have their own ideas of what they are and are not going to do, that’s for sure.
Good move! I told Liv the same thing. So, on Halloween proper she better be sporting that Annie wig! 🙂
Cute little fireman you have on your hands.