Don’t you love getting surprise packages in the mail? Well, my dear friend Natalie, who is about to pop out a baby, thought of me and sent me a little baby present. I’m slapping my hand for not being a better friend. Anyway she gave me a diaper and wipes case from this darling blog. She must of read my mind because I’ve wanted to get one for myself. Thanks Nat! In the span of only two years there is already a ton of new baby products out there that wasn’t there when Lucas was a baby. The diaper and wipes case is one of the items. Another item that is on my baby list is the Hooter Hider–must get especially during airplane travel. I see a lot of my friends using it, and it seems very convenient. And my last thing on my list is a baby sling. I have one that I used with Lucas when he was a newborn and it worked great…for a few weeks. Mine isn’t adjustable and he just didn’t like it because he was hidden away. Anyone have any suggestions on a brand they like? I heard the Hotslings are good.
Surprise Package
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find fabric you like…email it to me and perhaps somethings on your wish list will come your way! [email protected]
Fun stuff! These babies need to hurry up and come out — we’re all waiting for them!
Darn! I was so going to send you a Hooter Hider but was afraid you already had one. Oh well, next time 😉
I was given one of those diaper and wipes holders and a nursing cover as gifts this time! The nursing cover has come in so handy…multiple times! I love all the new baby things that are out!
Hotslings are not adjustable either. They are stylish and look great, but as a long term baby wearer(about 11 years and 6 babies) I havent seen anyone really use hem alot or long term. Ring slings or stretchy wraps are great for newborns. Mei Tai’s are great for older babies. go to for info.
I have made my “hooter hiders” myself and I will say HANDS DOWN they have been my MOST used baby gear item. I LOVE them. I nurse baby EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE, and it makes life easier!
I have an ultimate baby wrap and it is the MOST cofortable thing ever.
The bjorn is my old stand by though, as it is super easy on and off, and the baby is so secure in it.
check out this website for hooter hiders! The best ever!