The fall colors are winding down here in the East, so the last part of this weekend was spent enjoying what was left. We headed up north and spent the day hiking (or what you can do with two small children and a pregnant lady). We also saw a few covered bridges that dated back to the 1700’s. I was hoping to find a farm that sold pure maple syrup but had no luck. The mini trip was fun and will probably be our last as a family of four. Less than three weeks away!
Visited 6 times, 1 visit(s) today
I love your cute belly! Less than three weeks huh? That’s so exciting! It really could happen any day… Good luck!
You’re so close! Good luck with the last 3 weeks, they are the longest aren’t they?
What a cute bump! I’m impressed that you were out and about…I literally just don’t move from the couch the last month. 🙂
So jealous…I always wanted the belly in front…but I grow EVERYWHERE when I am prego. Good luck with the delivery….I better get sewing! Any names yet?
What a fun family weekend — and you are almost done being pregnant! Yay!
That is the biggest pregnant belly ever!!! I thought I had it bad. My my, my sister, I am so glad your belly is coming to an end. I hope you are wearing your harnest today.
p.s. I have a hotsling. I LOVE it and so does Elliot.
wow I agree with Marlene that this is your biggest belly yet. you still look fantastic even this close to the end.
Oh, you’re getting so close, how exciting! And, of course, you still look great!
IS that Kent Falls? I think I know exactly where you are.
You’re looking beautiful! So excited to see the new little one.
That last picture of you is too cute!!
We visited West Cornwall Covered Bridge last year.. is it the same one? If not it looks really close I loved to know where this one is. I love Connecticut especially in the fall.