Sunday was a beautiful day. Since my parents were in town, we took the opportunity and had Jackson blessed. The blessing was beautiful and very touching–he is a golden child. Jackson was blessed in a christening dress that his great-great-great grandma hand stitched for her grandson McKay, who Jackson is named after and is his great grandpa. I also was blessed in this dress, along with Stella and Lucas and many other grandchildren. This heirloom is a family treasure.

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Love the new family photo. I’m glad you got to spend time with your parents. They are incredible people.
The blessing was beautiful. Jackson was meant to be in your home at this time.
Love the blessing dress and family name.
Cute Family.
Those are nice photos. I love the family tradition continued with little Jackson.
What a gorgeous family! Your parents look exactly the same as I remember when growing up. Haven’t aged at all!
I can’t believe how closely Stella resembles your dad. The spittin’ image.
Love the photos! You have such a beautiful family. I agree with Sarah about your parents. I think they have a fountain of youth that they drink from everyday. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them! They are such special people!
What a a fun little event for your cute little family!
How precious. I love blessing days. I really, really wish I could have been there. I’m sure his blessing was beautiful.
What a wonderful day — and what a gift to have the heirloom blessing gown for your family.
You look great mommy! And tell your parents they haven’t aged a bit, that is wierd! We are so happy for you.
what a cool tradition! and what a cute family!
You look gorgeous (as usual). That is a treasure!
What a special day for the family and Jackson, and so nice to have your parents there. You look so great Darlene and your family is absolutely beautiful.
email me your address….and are you still wanting a nursing coverup? Let me know
[email protected]
What a great day! YOu look beautiful!