I’m in a Christmas funk this year. All the things I was planning on doing haven’t been done, and all the things we usually do are barely getting done. It’s probably because I’ve been a hermit for the last few weeks and have just enjoyed nuzzling with my little guy and slowing my life down to a really ridiculous pace. I’ve been really enjoying it, but now I’m getting cabin fever. And I have finally taken noticed that Christmas is less than two weeks away. I’ll be surprised if we get a Christmas card out this year or better yet presents!
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You are doing great and most every mom understands. Love the babies head of hair. He’s already sportin’ a faux hawk.
I feel your pain. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that Christmas cards aren’t happening. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for presents.
I think it’s wonderful that you are slowing down and taking time to just “BE”. All of the holiday FLUFF doesn’t really matter in the end… and you don’t want to kill yourself trying to make it a priority. Ella was born on December 1 and I tried so hard to be super woman that I drove myself into a terrible case of baby blues. Then of course, no body was happy and all that work was for nothing. So, be easy on yourself… you have the rest of your Christmases to be a little more on top of things. Right now, you have your own little “Christmas Angel” to enjoy. You look amazing by the way. 🙂
You should take it easy. The flu is going around and you don’t want your kiddos to get it.
We aren’t sending out christmas cards this year, so don’t worry.
If you’re in a Christmas funk, you have good reason — actually the BEST reason. Just hold that baby and love him — everything else will fall into place.
No worries! Your #1 job is to enjoy your adorable piece of lovliness. He’s worth it. And let everyone else figure out the rest.
You have the best excuse ever to slow things down. Babies bcome toddlers way too quickly!
Enjoy the newborn. Christmas will come again! 🙂
What a cute head! I love newborns. Your baby is so beautiful, just like the other two. I remember you were a beautiful baby too. You had such big blue eyes and long eyelashes. Everyone commented on how beautiful you were. Your babies take after their mommy!
You have permission to pass on the Christmas cards this year… and gifts for the most part, but your kiddos might be a little sad about that one! Have a wonderful Christmas!
That’s such a sweet picture of you and Jackson. Don’t worry about the trappings of Christmas. Family and love are what we should celebrate, and you’re doing just fine with that part.
Oh, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who goes through stages like this – and when it hits during holidays and important events – makes it 10 times worse in my case. Keep thinking about the many Christmas events and holidays to come when you will feel back on your feet and ready to tackle the new year 🙂
Ah Darleen, I know exactly how that goes… but the bottom line is… who really will know? Or care? Your children will feel loved and you have your new little guy Jackson. Just don’t let the cabin fever get you down too much. Remember, the key to getting out of the holiday funk is watching a ton of Christmas movies…like Elf, Prancer, The Best LIttle Christmas Pageant Ever, Christmas Story, The Nativity, It’s A Wonderful Life… and the list goes on.
Hang in there and again, Jackson is ADORABLE! But, ALL your children are… so no big surprise there.
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