We really like to avoid when Jackson gets really mad at us, so I want to extend my thank you’s to those who have helped keep him (and mommy) happy (and sane). Thank you, thank you to my in-laws for coming out and watching my other kids while I was in the hospital. Thank you, thank you to my mama who is currently out here making sure I get a daily nap in, getting up at night with me and organizing my unorganized kitchen. Thank you to my church for lining up dinners for the next two weeks. Thank you to my friend Ashley for hiring a cleaning lady to come clean my house and not to mention all my friends and family for checking up on me.
Thank You
Visited 5 times, 1 visit(s) today
I love all these pictures! He is wonderful!!!! I’m glad you have such great people to help you out. I don’t think it is possible for a new mother, no matter what number child she just birthed, to get too much help. Love the cleaning lady idea!!! I can’t believe your ward provides 2 weeks of dinners! We get like 3 days.
Oh Jacksons mad! But my gosh he is cute. Glad to know you have helping hands. You and your family look great.
Oh, he is beautiful. And how wonderful to be surrounded by all that love and care — so happy that you are being taken care of.
I can’t wait to hug and kiss him!!! He’s a little beauty – I would expect no less. I’m back in the states – let’s talk soon! Love you!
Oh I can’t wait to see him. We have had sick after sick and I’ve been waiting to be able to come see you. hopefully by next week. Also, I don’t want to intrude while you have visitors.
I hope he is a peaceful baby and that you are doing great. He is beautiful!
Also, let me know when dinners run out. I want to bring you dinners then.
so glad you’re getting help! that’s a cute boy you have!
He’s cute even when he cries. Wish I could be out there helping you organize too. Love you.
Darleen, You amaze me every time you give birth. You are the best Mom! He is darling and he is a good mix of you both. I hope you will be able to visit before he is walking. I miss you and hope that you will take care of yourself your gorgeous family. I love you!!!
Look at that darling cry-face! Give him whatever he wants.
You are one blessed girl and you deserve it! Take care of yourself and that sweet baby!!! He is soooo handsomeand I am so happy for you. 🙂
Beautiful boy that gets what he wants, eh! Get this, last Thurs. at a dinner affair, I came to find out that I was sitting with Carolyn’s sister (your brother Erin’s wife). Jennifer and her husband Dan Martin are in our ward. She informed me that perhaps Erin and Carolyn will be moving here to Reno some day?! Its a small world when you know the Waites! Hope you are doing well.
Go get some sleep and enjoy your Mom!
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