It’s cold outside!! Seriously, I’m typing away and my fingers are freezing. And the strange thing is is that our house is really warm. Maybe it’s because I’m a cold person. I’m sitting here with three layers on and a warm sweater. Socks and slippers. It’s only going to get colder, and I’m dreaming of warmer weather.
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better come for a visit so i can see this cute baby of yours!
Oh, I’m cold just looking at the picture. I”m cold much of the time too — and I know that the seasons are beautiful (winter included) but I honestly don’t care if I never see snow again.
It is unreaonable cold out, you know it is when get every one gets dressed to go out to the already heated car, and no one looks cute, because it’s all about the warmth.
Oh yeah. The cold back there is so different from the cold in the west. It’s like it eats through you – cuts through any layers you think will warm you.
Hope you get through the arctic cold soon!
I am freezing here too… and it doesn’t even snow. I am all about the socks and sweaters. Stay warm!!