Potty Training–it’s the parenting responsibility that I avoid and most dislike. When I think about potty training the words that come into my head are: frustration, fear, crying, cleaning up, more crying, persuasion, home bound, mistakes, disappointment, convincing, tantrums, more cleaning up, rewards. But once the child gets it and knows how to do it, it’s most rewarding for both the parent and the child. We are almost there…almost.
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I’m totally impressed that you’re already potty training Lucas! You’ll definitely be in my prayers.
Yeah for Darleen and Lucas! The monster truck reward party is coming up soon!
We’re right there with you Darleen, yeah for Lucas! And yeah for only changing one kid’s diapers a day!!!
Awwwww… that second picture down is so adorable. 🙂 I’m glad the training is almost finished.
I’m not looking forward to this. I will be knocking on your door for advice. I’m glad you are almost done with potty training, I bet lucas is too.
Those pictures are too cute! Go Lucas Go!
you are brave, dar! i’m still putting it off.
That is so true. Every word! Almost there Lukie poo.
We still have issues. I am so happy your turning the corner 😉
AND BTW: I am going to make your apron. I just bought some lovely fabric, so it should be coming at the end of the week. I am excited to sew again! : )
Oh boy, we are in the midst of this same struggle. Abi has been fighting it like crazy, but I think she has finally decided that she’s not going to win this battle. Good luck with it, I hope there aren’t too many tears!
My favorite word is “pleading…” Those are some cute pictures.
luke looks so attentive and serious in first shot.
sort of “on the spot” so to speak.
i can see that “i want to please” look in his eye.
timing must be crucial.
seth just got to the point where he began to care about being dry and clean in what he called his “white people pants”.
janie called the white pants but he changed the nomenclature a bit.
till he cared, it was just too much trouble to stop playing AND he had no older bro to watch like eric and tess.
they learned potty training entirely from seth since they followed him around like they were joined at the hip.
he would give them pointers on aiming and how to get pants up and down but he drew the line at wiping his siblings.
for that he would shout out for Mom.
hope going well.