Jackson is three months now. I’m loving every minute of him. He is my heavenly baby. So good; so sweet. And he loves his mommy. Here are some fun facts about Jackson:
-he sleeps through the night, and I like to brag that he’s been doing this since he was 8 weeks old.
-he has found his thumb and loves to suck it. But I’m a tough mom so I put mittens on him and he doesn’t like it.
-he loves mommy’s milk, but has caved into the bottle and drinks it with a “you’ve-got-to-be- kidding-me.-this-is-digusting” look on his face. I’ve introduced the bottle so daddy can help with the feedings.
-he loves to take a bath
-he likes to shriek in delight
-he loves to capture the attention of his sister and brother
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What a handsome little guy. He looks like Stella!
Great pictures.
What a handsome little guy. He looks like Stella!
Great pictures.
Oh, he is a sweetie. Look at that grin, and those eyes!
I agree he is a sweet little baby. I can’t believe it’s been three months already.
Your son is absolutely adorable! But please, please share…how did you get him sleeping through the night at 8weeks? 🙂
What a cute babe! I just want to squeeze his little cheeks and give him tons of kisses. SO CUTE!
What a doll!! I am so very glad that he is sleeping through the night. Truly heaven sent!
I follow “The Baby Whisperer”. Her sleeping suggestions have worked for all three of my kids. I’ve got them sleeping through the night by 2-3 months. She also has “The Baby Whisperer for Toddlers” which I love and highly recommend especially during the terrible twos stage.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll definitely have to check those out.
My baby #3 has been my best yet with temperment too! He’s a cute little buddy!
He’s just perfect!
what a doll, dar! and i love his little outfit. dwell, right? i’ve got others from that collection for mr. simon.
Those are great photos, Darleen! He is a mini Stella! Such a handsome little guy.
What an adorable little man! Those toes are so chubby and cute – I just want to squeeze them!
What a cutie. I do see a resemblance to Stella. He’s got a great smile!
He is sooo adorable, look at those big blue eyes, and that smile.