Remember when I posted awhile back about wondering where I could get one of these Moroccan poufs that I saw in a J.Crew ad? Well, now I see them all over the place, and I’m still wanting to get one. I need to make a special trip into the city to visit the John Derian store, which has a large variety of colors. Also, Tazi Designs sells them at a cheaper price. But I’m not sure if the quality is the same.
image one J.crew ad
image two Making it Lovely
image three Design Sponge
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They have poufs right now at Anthro but there are fabric so not as durable. Shall we check them out on thew 25th? Are we still getting together that day? I sure hope so ’cause I miss you sweet smile.
new decoration use it like furniture, love it moroccan poufs
You have got to see this. Obama playing on XBox. Funniest video ever.