For our family activity this week we made flower headbands. Before we made the headbands, we talked about how each flower is unique and different and no two are alike. I related it to people, and how each person is beautiful and we should not make fun of or judge for how they are because we are all different. We assembled the flowers on headbands because everyone is royal–kings and queens. We actually called the headbands–flower crowns. Of course Lucas needed a crown too, so his was made out of leaves. I think the point got across. Stella’s been informing me when a schoolmate says something unkind about another child. Can’t believe that already happens in preschool.
Flower Headband
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Wow! Look at you Darleen. So creative in implying lessons. Are those real flowers too? You should post Lucas’ leaf crown too.
What a fun idea – -and it turned out so cute, too! Love it!
This is so visual, I love it. My daughter would love this, and get the message.
Ok, you are such a good mom. I HAVE to make one of these with my girl Brinley. I am loving this idea, Darleen.
CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS at Ben’s wedding! You are a doll- as always!!!!