While I was in Vegas, I’d get up in the morning and go running. Well one day, I was running back to my parent’s house and saw this “old” man coming toward me doing this funny wog (a combination of jogging and walking), wearing plastic gloves, a trucker hat and carrying a plastic trash bag. Squinting eyes, I was thinking “what is this person doing?”. He is wogging and picking up trash at the same time? Oh wait. Is that…who I think it is? I about pee’d my pants from laughing so hard when I realize it was Wendell–my dad. Us children like to call this activity a Wendell-ism. Oh papa! I’m sure your neighbors just love you for going around every morning and picking up the neighborhood’s trash. You are a good citizen.
Be A Good Citizen
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Ah, I love it!! Good citizen for sure!!
Haha… that is a funny story and love the accompanying picture! What a good samaritan. 🙂
That is a great story.
That is so funny! I love that he picks up the neighborhood trash. What a sweet guy.
What a great dad and example. I sent you an email to your business. Let me know if you got it.
That is HILARIOUS!!!! I love it! Gotta love Uncle Wendell! I love how he picks up the trash. If everyone had a Wendell in their neighborhood, what a better world this would be. (Good for you to be up running every morning…I'm so jealous…I can barely walk up the stairs in my house right now!)
That is soooo funny!
Wish you Dad could come wogging in my 'hood and set a good example for my neighbors.
Is that really your dad? How cute is that! Did you ask him to pose for you for this picture? That is awesome- what a good sport!
What an awesome story… and an even better picture!!!! I love it!
Hilarious! I love that your dad does this and that you caught him in action!