Have you ever tasted rootbeer-flavored cotton candy with homemade ice cream in the middle, making it a rootbeer float cotton candy? Or how about blackberry sorbet and homemade vanilla yogurt push-up pops? Or mint leaf chocolate ice cream sandwich? Or fig almond cream cheese danish? I know the list goes on but there were so many desserts that I can’t remember every dish we tasted while lunching at Bouchon in the Venetian Hotel. Oh my! The food was so delish that after I wanted to be a food connoisseur and only eat the best of the best. It’s all worth it.
My sister-in-law Stephanie has a little in with Bouchon and knows the head pastry chef Chris, who is incredibly nice and so talented with pastries and desserts. He not only makes them; He invents them. He seriously needs to open his own dessert shop. Since Chris and Steph are good friends and we came to eat, we were entertained with a table full of desserts. After we got a tour of the kitchen, where all the food magic happens. They make everything from scratch. Everything. Even the butter! Very, very scrumptous.
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Sarah says
Wow! That sounds so fun and delicious! What a great thing to experience and I agree I would only want to eat the best after that tour & tasting 🙂
100 Percent Cottam says
um, HELLO! i'm JEALOUS! that sounds amazing.
Amanda says
That would be my personal heaven! Sounds amazing!
MiaKatia says
OH MY LANDS!!! I am not sure I have ever been so jealous (in a good way) or hungry (in a drooling way) all at the same time. Fabulous! What a very cool experience.
Rachael says
Oh wow! Looks so good..
You look great BTW 🙂
Ashley and Matt says
Dreamy!! I would love to spend time in that kitchen!
campblondie says
I can't even imagine some of those things! Sounds unreal!!
Amy says
Ok the rootbeer float cotton candy doesn't sound appealing. Maybe because I'm not a cotton candy person. But the kitchen and all the other treats look delish!!!
徐若瑄Vivian says
cool!i love it!情色遊戲,情色a片,情色網,性愛自拍,美女寫真,亂倫,戀愛ING,免費視訊聊天,視訊聊天,成人短片,美女交友,美女遊戲,18禁,三級片,自拍,後宮電影院,85cc,免費影片,線上遊戲,色情遊戲,日本a片,美女,成人圖片區,avdvd,色情遊戲,情色貼圖,女優,偷拍,情色視訊,愛情小說,85cc成人片,成人貼圖站,成人論壇,080聊天室,080苗栗人聊天室,免費a片,視訊美女,視訊做愛,免費視訊,伊莉討論區,sogo論壇,台灣論壇,plus論壇,維克斯論壇,情色論壇,性感影片,正妹,走光,色遊戲,情色自拍,kk俱樂部,好玩遊戲,免費遊戲,貼圖區,好玩遊戲區,中部人聊天室,情色視訊聊天室,聊天室ut,做愛