I admit it. I’ve been blasting my sound system with MJ music for the last two weeks. I pulled out his greatest hits CD, and we’ve been rocking along with I’m sure half of the world. When I was four years old, Thriller came out. Funny, I remember it still to this day. It wasn’t a fond memory though. For some reason I was with my older sisters at their friend’s house. MTV was on and what do you know, the premiere of MJ’s Thriller came on. Come to think of it, I think that was why we were at my sister’s friend’s house. I know that in our house, my parents would not allow mTV. Anyway, the music video came on. I had no idea what was going on or what I was about to watch. I was only four. Well, I remember screaming. Then hiding behind the couch and crying. Not sure why my sisters let me watch it. They actually thought it was funny that I was so scared and was trying to convince me that the zombies were nice. I cried all the way back home. And I remember it was a Sunday. So there you have it–one of my first times I got scared as a child. I guess that’s what happens when you have older siblings. Anyway, cool graffeti wall in Berlin.
A Memory
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It scared me too! In fact it still give me the willies a bit.
What a great memory. Love the wall art! Mawh.