I am married to a mountain man whose stuck in a big city. A couple times a year (yes, more than once), he has to go climb a mountain. No it’s not hiking–it’s serious climbing. On ice. And I don’t see him for a week and sometimes don’t even hear from him for about five days. Yes, my head spins. My heart pounds. And I pray around the clock for his safety. Once I get that phone call, all the butterflies flutter away. But it’s his passion. He thrives on it. It’s his escape from life. And he loves the challenge. I’m dreading the day when he says he’s ready to take on the “Great One“. Hopefully that day won’t come. Anyway, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with it for another six months.
Mountain Man
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Glad to hear that he made up and down in one piece.
Your mountain man and my mountain man should get together sometime. I make mine call me by a certain time otherwise I am home waiting to call search & rescue. I hate that feeling of not knowing if or when they will be back! There is this universal radio that Zach is getting training for that I'm hoping will ease some of my anxiety when he's gone…
Wow!!! He is one brave soul, I will say that for sure. And those pictures are absolutely gorgeous. And bless your heart for having to wait to hear from him…that would be stressful. So glad to hear he is safe!!!
Oh wow! He did it again!? Congrats to him and so glad he is safe. I understand how terrifying that can be while you wait. Now…when do you get to go with him? 🙂
I'm glad to hear he made it safe again. What a crazy guy!
They all need a little adventure!
Yikes that seems so exciting. How great to be married to someone able to satisfy his risk taking needs by climbing a mountain of ice. So many men have unhealthy ways they satisfy those needs.