Inspired by NieNie, we had our first back-to-school feast or more like going-to-kindergarten feast. As requested by Stella, on the menu was pasta with butter and salt, grilled lemon basil chicken, carrots and fresh tomatoes. For dessert, chocolate-covered vanilla pops. We talked about things to expect at school, goals to complete and parental advice. I think this whole kindergarten thing is harder on me than her.
Another going-to-kindergarten event that happened was our mommy/daughter date. We had so much fun just the two of us. After a bite to eat, we got our toes and nails done. Stella chose an apple green polish accented with lemon-colored flowers. She was in heaven getting her toes done…I think maybe I shouldn’t have introduced pedicures to her so soon. We got last minute school clothes and then she got to pick an item at Claire’s. We ended our date munching down a Crumbs cupcake.

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I saw Stella's manicure on Sunday, it was darling! Makes me almost want to try again for a girl…almost. 🙂
I just love you Darleen! We didn't do the feast, but we did the mommy daughter date with a pedicure and flower (I think you are right about having introduced them too early to this treat 😉 and a trip to Justice. And I know I am for sure having a harder time with the transition.
Stella is going to be such a good little student. I hope her first day went well.
What a lovely idea – and look at her little face. You are a great mama – you can see it in your childrens' faces.
You are the BEST MOM in the world!!!
Aw, how cute to do a date and a feast. And I think it is funny that Stella actually chose chicken, carrots and tomatoes, so healthy! She looks adorable, as usual. Time really flies, it is hard to believe she is starting kindergarten.
What a great tradition to start. I hope she loved her first day at kindergarten. I can't believe she is that old.
That is all so cute! It sounds like she was definitely ready to start kindergarten.
Hope the first day went well for little miss Stella.