There are a few pieces now available from the Cheap and Chic line–all under $25. Slowly but surely getting them up on the site. The pieces are under “new arrivals” and will say whether they are apart of the collection and of course the price! These are the “Ryan” and one of my favorites that I’ve been sporting around town.
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They are all beautiful – -you have such a talent!!
I am LOVING your new line. I'll be putting it on my wish list…for sure!
Oooh. I love them! These are new! I just went on your site the other day because I was craving some new earrings. And just last night I pulled out all my Darleen Meier jewelry and tried them on. I LOVE your pieces. There is nothing like them anywhere. Will you have a boutique this year?
btw, I loved you comment. Made me laugh out loud. You totally called me out on the whining. I know I have a great house. And I will miss it a lot. BUT, and it's a big but (kind of like the one I'm sporting right now), I'm bringing home Charlotte to a closet. And while I know she doesn't mind, her mama does. I need room for my kiddos and a safe backyard where I don't need to supervise. I want to be lazy. 🙂 But don't say you'll miss me because that gives me cold feet and a heavy heart. And then I change my mind and think winter isn't so bad when you have such sweet friends. But, winter is BAD!
I absolutely adore these!!! I was just on your site the other day and filled up a shopping cart. I need to just pull the plug and GO FOR IT!!
I think pull the trigger was what I was actually going for. Ooops!!
the new line is right up my alley, what with "cheap" being my middle name and all. too cute! 🙂