I haven’t been to the Square in a while until last night. Broadway. Hmmm, it was a good evening and a great musical! Did do you know they built a huge plaza walkway in the middle of the street? It’s great. Red cafe tables dot the street. There are red bleachers on the north end that over look all the action. Now you don’t feel like you’re going to get whammed by the yellow taxis.
Well…I’m going to go see this movie tonight! And I’m so giddy about it that I’m going to fit in marvelous with all the other screaming 13 year olds! (Can you see my arrow?)
And I just got done seeing this beloved musical play. It was awesome! So worth all the money. The acting and music was amazing. (can you see the arrow?)
{pictures taken with iPhone}
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Oh how fun! I'm going to see the movie tonight with girlfriends. I can imagine it will be packed with girls of all ages 🙂
you're funny. I can't wait to hear all about the movie!!
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