The weather was gorgeous this weekend. We had to take advantage of it and teach Miss Stella how to ride her bike. It’s about time! We went to the beach and walked up and down the beach trails teaching her. By the end of it, she had it down–riding and riding. We were so excited for her, along with all the onlookers!
This is just the start of her bike riding journey and it will increase the amount of fun she can have when we visit the park. It’s good that it gives her something else to focus on and enjoy, and from here, she can achieve anything she puts her mind too, as riding a bike could be one of the hardest things that you do, especially as a child anyway. Now that she can ride a bike, I’m starting to dread the day when (or if) she decides to take to the open and busy roads to get from place to place. Do you know how dangerous that is and how many accidents that you hear about? I don’t want to put any of my children in the situation where they’d need help in contacting a law firm similar to lamber goodnow because of the serious injuries that they’ve got due from colliding with vehicles that weren’t paying any attention. It would be my worse nightmare. But I must stop thinking like that. It is a long way off and for now, I should just enjoy watching her achieve all of these milestones, like learning to ride a bike.
Yay for Miss Stella!! Love it. And love this beautiful weather.
So proud of Stella! I love Lucas chasing behind with his truck. Jackson is such a big boy now.
Yay for Stella! That's a big step. We're hoping Nate gets it this summer too…